The norm and law of the human psyche is friendship and love, surprisingly, some people are always in a struggle to get this love.
The norms and laws of any country should be the belief of the people of that land and not against it.
Looting and rioting is never another excuse for looting and rioting.
If we open the heart of the universe, we will hear this saying: Every action leads to a reaction, so our actions, good or bad, will not be irreversible.
Peace of mind is very valuable, because no army can fix our collapsed interior.
The universe has an organized structure, this structure has given it dynamism and has resulted in an amazing result.
The efficiency of a sick structure is pain and blackness.
Order is evident from the right structure.
Until the structures aren't in order, growth will not be evident.
The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
A structure that is not compatible with human nature is not stable.
The strongest structures are the softest. Dry and hard structures collapse very quickly.
Everything in the world has a framework and structure.
The entrepreneur is the creator of life, so the eternal "well done" on him.
Entrepreneurs are the helping hands for people.
Hardworking and compassionate workers are truly the honorable people of a land.
The right norms and laws promise hope and peace to the entrepreneur and investor.
A dreamer as an entrepreneur can be the source of many changes.
The height of the flag of a land is in the hands of hardworking and compassionate workers and entrepreneurs.
The prosperity and sustainable development of a land can only be achieved with the support of capable workers and entrepreneurs.
A compassionate and hard-working worker is the national wealth of a land.
Workers and entrepreneurs give happiness to the people of their land.
If you want the world to bow to your country, constantly pay attention to the worker and the entrepreneur. Reduce their pain and give them what they want to expand their work. Because they are the pride of a land.
Righteous and compassionate work is part of a good nature.
The calm media, the increase of popular joy and the right norms and laws of the government, increase the power of investment and entrepreneurship.
Think of entrepreneurship as a true value, so that poverty disappears.
Which land is free from crime and hardship without entrepreneurship and work?
In times of uproar, no one thinks of entrepreneurship and work.
Greedy countries see their lead in the insecurity and ruination of other lands.
The norms and laws of any country should be the belief of the people of that land and not against it.
Looting and rioting is never another excuse for looting and rioting.
If we open the heart of the universe, we will hear this saying: Every action leads to a reaction, so our actions, good or bad, will not be irreversible.
Peace of mind is very valuable, because no army can fix our collapsed interior.
The universe has an organized structure, this structure has given it dynamism and has resulted in an amazing result.
The efficiency of a sick structure is pain and blackness.
Order is evident from the right structure.
Until the structures aren't in order, growth will not be evident.
The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
A structure that is not compatible with human nature is not stable.
The strongest structures are the softest. Dry and hard structures collapse very quickly.
Everything in the world has a framework and structure.
The entrepreneur is the creator of life, so the eternal "well done" on him.
Entrepreneurs are the helping hands for people.
Hardworking and compassionate workers are truly the honorable people of a land.
The right norms and laws promise hope and peace to the entrepreneur and investor.
A dreamer as an entrepreneur can be the source of many changes.
The height of the flag of a land is in the hands of hardworking and compassionate workers and entrepreneurs.
The prosperity and sustainable development of a land can only be achieved with the support of capable workers and entrepreneurs.
A compassionate and hard-working worker is the national wealth of a land.
Workers and entrepreneurs give happiness to the people of their land.
If you want the world to bow to your country, constantly pay attention to the worker and the entrepreneur. Reduce their pain and give them what they want to expand their work. Because they are the pride of a land.
Righteous and compassionate work is part of a good nature.
The calm media, the increase of popular joy and the right norms and laws of the government, increase the power of investment and entrepreneurship.
Think of entrepreneurship as a true value, so that poverty disappears.
Which land is free from crime and hardship without entrepreneurship and work?
In times of uproar, no one thinks of entrepreneurship and work.
Greedy countries see their lead in the insecurity and ruination of other lands.